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Bing's AI Backlash Causes Microsoft To Respond

February 17, 2023
minute read

Trade Algo claimed that early testers were pointing out mistakes and disconcerting comments generated by the ChatGPT chatbot with artificial intelligence just over a week after Microsoft introduced its new Bing search engine, which is powered by the chatbot.

Microsoft admitted that the search engine is still a work in progress and stated that the prior week served as a teaching moment for the business as it tested and improved the new Bing. Thus yet, just a few individuals have had access to it. The company said the Bing enhancement is "not a replacement or substitute for the search engine, but rather a tool to better interpret and make sense of the

This week, Microsoft conducted a presentation at its corporate headquarters in Redmond, Washington, where it unveiled the upgraded Bing.

The company claims that the change allows for a new kind of search in which users may ask the updated search engine questions in natural language, and the search engine will respond with direct suggestions and answers rather than referring them to different websites.

When Bing starts, it will "completely alter what people can anticipate from search," according to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.

Trade Algo claims that Microsoft was showcasing how Bing can create and compare tables on the financial outcomes of publicly traded companies using basic language instructions, but the information Bing presented was false.

Users’ Feedback 

On social media, many early adopters posted screenshots of their interactions with the new Bing. When technology seems to go crazy and displays wrath, obsession, and even threats, the search engine comments in some of the evaluations seem to reflect a sinister side of technology.

Yet, according to a blog post by Microsoft, 71% of users have given the new Bing a "thumbs up," indicating that the majority of user response has been favorable. The business also addressed grievances and problems.

John Liu
Eric Ng
John Liu
Editorial Board
Bryan Curtis
Adan Harris
Managing Editor
Cathy Hills
Associate Editor

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